Riley has a new adventure every day.
He is into EVERYTHING!
He loves cords that are plugged into the wall, he will crawl up to them and start shaking them. He is also curious about everything.. He will pull down the bathroom garabage to look for something. I have now had to put the garabage can on our shelf. He also like to play with the toilet paper, roll it all the way on the floor. He knows what he is doing, because when I tell him no no, he gets a big grin on his face. He thnks he is pretty sneaky. The other day the toilet seat was up, and he decided he was going to play in it. It was pretty funny, but disgusting. (His dad needs to remember to put the seat down. Ha Ha)
He loves cartoons. I have been renting different kinds of cartoon movies and he will just sit in my arms and watch it. We dont get through all of it, but he loves it.
He as learned to walk around the furniture. He is getting brave, and startig to walk with only one hand or take a tiny step. We all think he will be walking soon. Then he really will be everywhere.
We have been teaching him sign language and he knows bye-bye, Dad/Grandpa. And he is making so much noise. He makes the mmmmmmm noise, and once in awhile it will come out momma. I dont think he knows what he is sayin, but it sure is cute when he does.
Also, I have been teaching him to smile.. When I say cheese, he makes the cutest cheezy smile. Ha ha
He still doesnt like baby food.I think he is getting tired of the same stuff. He wants what we are eating, so we have been trying "real food" in small amounts and he love it.
And the best part of Riley being 9 months... Is he is FINALLY sleeping through the night. Mommy is getting so much rest.
Riley is so fun at this age! We love him so much!
Helping Aunt Mallory blow out her birthday candles!
His cheesy smile
Just being cute!