Thursday, February 17, 2011


Wow, a whole year has gone by. I can't believe it.

I remember when we were at the hospital, everyone kept saying how tiny he was, at 5.2 pounds. They treated Riley like he was a preemie, but he was only a 2 days early. Now, he has tripled his weight.

He is such a happy little boy.
Every morning we wake up and watch some of his favorite shows.. Curious George, Cat in the hat, and Dinosaur Train. He will just sit and play while these shows are on.

Some fun things he does right now are he says "mmmm" when he sees food. Put his head on his blanket, knowing he wants to fall asleep, or just snuggle. He waves "bye-bye" when we go places. His favorite game is "where's Riley" and he play peek-a-boo with his blanket.

For his party, we had a Curious George party. I have never seen so many grandparents for one little boy. We had lots of fun, and he got SPOILED. We opened present (still loving the paper) and had some cake. (He really didnt dig into his cake, he really didnt know what to do with it. Riley got a lot of cool and fun things to play with.

Riley is such a joy to our lives. We love him so much.


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